How old are you?
A: 20
Where are you from?
Born and raised in Manchester, England
A: 20
Where are you from?
Born and raised in Manchester, England
How long have you been blogging?
Since early April 2013
Why did you start blogging?
I purchase new
products frequently and I have a passion for all things
beauty. I love experimenting and trying new products . At
Uni my nickname is vogue because i always love to look glam no matter
what lab or lecture I’m going to. Plus I thought it would be
What course are you doing at
I study Environmental Science
I study Environmental Science
What colour are you in MAC?
NC45 in winter, NC45&NC50 mixed together in summer
NC45 in winter, NC45&NC50 mixed together in summer
What type of skin do you have?
Combination but it tends to be dry in the Winter.
Combination but it tends to be dry in the Winter.